Post 1137
1st Annual LMS Dodgeball Tournament
Sponsored by the LHS Explorers Post 1137
WHEN: April 11, 2015 - 9:00AM
WHERE: Londonderry Middle School Gymnasium
Form a team and come have some fun playing dodgeball at the LMS gym!
Each team needs:
6 members
Choose/make your own uniforms
Submit team forms by Friday, April 3rd to avoid a $10 late fee
Tournament outline:
Each team is guaranteed 3 games
Round-Robin play
Top teams move to playoffs
Starts at 9:00am
Medals will be awarded to the Winning Team, Runners-Up and the Team with Best Uniforms
Please submit team forms including waiver and payment to the “Dodgeball Box” in the LMS Gym by April 3rd:
Team Name & Team Chaperone (email address & cell):
Team sign-up sheet (player’s names & grade)
Liability waiver for each player
$30 per team - check made out to Londonderry Police Explorers 1137
Team forms can be downloaded here and the Waiver can be downloaded here